Töre vehemently condemns attack against holy Quran
Date Added: 23 January 2023

The Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre strongly protested the attack against the Quran in Sweden.

Issuing a written statement, Töre stated that the despicable attack against the holy Quran in Sweden deeply offended the Muslim Turkish Cypriot people.

He emphasized that they see this move by Sweden, which proudly boasts of its democracy and freedoms at every opportunity and is the third largest country in Europe, as a major intervention against different beliefs and lifestyles.

Emphasizing that the Swedish authorities’ becoming a bystander to the action will only increase the seeds of hatred against Islam, Töre noted that  these actions will harm peace and tranquillity among the various religions in the world, and the safe coexistence of societies.

“The Turkish Cypriot people have always showed great tolerance and respect to all humanity and beliefs, even from other religions but it is not possible to accept this attack with tolerance” said Töre.

The parliamentary speaker that vehemently condemned the attack said

“We expect the international community and the international judicial authorities to take action on this issue”.