Date Added: 21 February 2024

 Acting President and Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly, Zorlu Töre visited the TİKA (Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency) office in Lefkoşa on Tuesday.

Töre who was welcomed by TİKA Lefkoşa Office Coordinator Havva Pınar Özcan and other officials said that he was closely following the successful work carried out by TİKA in the TRNC and other parts of the world.

Highlighting Türkiye’s steady progress towards becoming a global power with the strength derived from its past, Töre mentioned that the Turkish nation has established great empires throughout its history.

“The understanding of helping those in need has always prevailed among the Turkish people. TİKA has always operated based on that understanding,” Töre noted.

Stating that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is one of the most important national causes of the Turkish nation, Töre emphasized that TİKA’s work has greatly strengthened the country’s economy and infrastructure.

Töre also noted that for the Turkish Cypriots, Türkiye, its institutions and the Turkish Armed Forces are indispensable.

The acting president was also provided information about TİKA’s work during the visit.