TRNC delegation attends ECO meeting in Tehran
Date Added: 30 January 2023

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was represented at the Economic Cooperation Organisation’s (ECO) 33rd Regional Planning Council meeting held in the Iranian capital Tehran.

The TRNC was represented by Undersecretary to the State Planning Organisation Durali Güçlüsoy and the Director at the Foreign Ministry in Charge of Relations with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Mustafa Kemal Beyazbayram.

According to a statement issued by the Undersecretary Durali Güçlüsoy from the State Planning Organisation, the TRNC delegation gave presentations on the economic figures in the country as well as incentives offered by the government to foreign investors wishing to invest in the TRNC.

Proposals were also made to host upcoming ECO workshops, conferences and meetings in the TRNC.

Stating that they had also found the opportunity to meet with the ECO Secretary-General Kushrav Noziri in Tehran, Güçlüsoy said, “We conveyed the Prime Minister’s greetings to Mr Noziri and expressed our readiness to host a number of the organisation’s activities in 2023. For his part, the ECO General-Secretary said that he was happy with the TRNC’s active participation and contribution to the organisation.”

The delegation also held a private meeting with Mr Noziri’s successor from Azerbaijan Orhan Zeynalov who expressed support to the idea of hosting a series of meetings in the TRNC.