Turkish Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism holds contacts in TRNC
Date Added: 01 February 2023

Turkish Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Serdar Çam has said that their support to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in the field of culture and tourism was continuing.

He noted that efforts were underway to channel tourists visiting Türkiye to the TRNC.

The Turkish Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Serdar Çam who is holding contacts in the TRNC, inspected work carried out in İskele overseen by the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA).

Speaking there, Çam noted that they were seeing a reflection of every successful development in Türkiye in the TRNC.

He added that efforts and new ideas aimed at promoting the country’s cultural values ​​and tourism in the TRNC were continuing.

Pointing out there will be an increase in the number of tourists visiting the country once the new Ercan terminal and runway becomes operational, Çam said, “Work to attract tourists visiting Türkiye to the TRNC is continuing. Our work is not only in the area of marine tourism. All departments under our ministry are working to promote the cultural value and historical richness ​​of the TRNC which dates back more than 500 years.”

The head of TİKA Serkan Kayalar, for his part stated that the agency’s projects and support for the TRNC will continue to increase.

He reminded that the agency which carries out its activities with 60 offices in 60 countries, is actively carrying out projects in more than 150 countries.

Meanwhile, the Turkish Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Serdar Çam will be received by the Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Metin Feyzioğlu later on Wednesday.