Turkish FM reacts to UNSC resolution
Date Added: 31 January 2023

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a written statement on Monday reacted to the United Nations Security Council resolution extending the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) for a period of one year.

“We fully support the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) concerning the resolution” the statement said.

“Despite the fact that they are not included in the reports of the UN Secretary-General, we observe that the Council, detached from the realities on the ground and disregarding the will of the TRNC towards a two-state settlement, insists on settlement models that have been tried and have failed many times. This situation is incompatible with common sense and goodwill, and shows that, instead of promoting a real settlement on the Island, the Council is unable to free itself from Greek Cypriot influence” the statement noted.

“Once again, the UN Security Council has ignored the inhumane and illegal embargoes imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people. It is yet another contradiction that the resolution calls for cooperation between the two sides, disregarding the realistic, constructive and sincere cooperation proposals conveyed by TRNC President Mr. Ersin Tatar to the UN Secretary-General in his letters dated July 1 and 8, 2022, which could meet many needs of the island” the statement said.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said that it rejected all points in the resolution concerning Maraş, reiterating its full support to all activities that have been and will be carried out by the TRNC authorities in the area in respect of the rights of legal property owners and the benefit of the two peoples on the Island.

“We invite the Council to stop supporting the insincere attitude of the Greek Cypriot Administration, which aims to prevent Greek Cypriots who wish to return to their properties from doing so. We take this opportunity to emphasize once again that Maraş is TRNC territory” it added.

The foreign ministry also pointed out that once again the consent of the TRNC was not sought during UNFICYP’s mandate extension.

“It has been repeatedly put on record that this is contrary to established UN practice and that UNFICYP has been able to continue its activities due to the goodwill of the TRNC authorities. It is essential that UNFICYP continues its activities on TRNC territory on a legal basis. It should be known that we will fully support the steps to be taken by the TRNC authorities to this end” the statement stressed.

The statement concluded by stating that a common ground towards a just and lasting settlement in Cyprus must be based on the realities on the ground.

“In this regard, we call on the Security Council and the international community, based on the fact that there are two separate peoples and two separate states on the Island of Cyprus, to reaffirm the inherent rights of the Turkish Cypriots, namely their sovereign equality and equal international status, and to recognize the TRNC” the statement read.