Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan met with Greek counterpart Yerapetritis
Date Added: 06 September 2023

There was an important meeting in Türkiye on Monday.

The Foreign Minister of Greece, Yorgos Yerapetritis, who was in Türkiye, met with the Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan.

The Cyprus issue was also on the agenda during the meeting.

Turkish Minister Fidan stressed that their views on the Cyprus issue were well-known.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with Greek Foreign Minister Yorgos Yerapetritis at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and later the two ministers held a joint press conference.

Stating that they had a productive exchange of views on various issues with his counterpart Yerapetritis, Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan said that Türkiye and Greece had entered a new and positive phase in their relations.

Stating that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis will also meet in two weeks on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, he further noted that in October, there will be political consultations and joint action plan meetings between the deputy foreign ministers of the two countries in Greece.

Expressing that they had plans for future confidence-building measures and consultative dialogue meetings, Fidan added that by the end of the year, they anticipate holding the 5th High-Level Cooperation Council meeting in Thessaloniki, chaired by the leaders of the two countries.

The Turkish Foreign Minister also stressed that the revitalization of dialogue channels and high-level contacts between Türkiye and Greece was a positive development.

Touching upon the Cyprus issue, Fidan stressed that Türkiye had always advocated the principle of fair sharing in the context of the Eastern Mediterranean.

“We also discussed the Cyprus issue with my counterpart. Our views on the resolution of the Cyprus problem are clear. As two guarantor countries, we will continue to discuss this matter” he said.