Turkish Vice President Yılmaz visits Boğaz Martyrdom
Date Added: 13 September 2023

Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz visited the Boğaz martyrdom within the framework of his contacts.

During his visit to the Boğaz Martyrdom, Yılmaz was accompanied by Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Metin Feyzioğlu, Security Forces Commander Major General Osman Aytaç and Deputy Commander of the Security Forces Brigadier General Kadir Bayraklı.

Yılmaz first laid a wreath at the martyrdom followed by a minutes silence and the reciting of the national anthem.

He then signed the Special Book here.

He wrote “Our beloved martyrs, you sacrificed your lives fearlessly for the sacred cause of the Turkish Cypriot people and reached the sacred rank of martyrdom.

Your unique sacrifices for the Turkish Cypriot people, who are an integral part of the Great Turkish Nation, in order to live independently will never be forgotten and will always be remembered with gratitude.

We bow respectfully in front of your cherished memories. May your souls rest in peace.”