Turkish VP Cevdet Yılmaz in the TRNC
Date Added: 12 September 2023

Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz is in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus for a series of contacts.

Yılmaz was welcomed by Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Metin Feyzioğlu upon his arrival at Ercan Airport.

Speaking to the press at Ercan, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel said that he was pleased to be able to greet the Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz at the newly completed Ercan Airport and thanked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz for their support.

Yılmaz for his part said that they aim to increase the interaction between the Turkic world and the TRNC and noted that the new Ercan Airport is a showcase of the TRNC.

Underlining that they have started a mega project that will provide electricity and energy from Türkiye to the TRNC and vice versa, Yılmaz said they will do everything they can for the development of the TRNC.

Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz also attended the opening of the panel on “The Place and Importance of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the Integration of the Turkic World”.

He will attend a luncheon to be hosted in his honour by Prime Minister Ünal Üstel.

Meanwhile President Ersin Tatar will be hosting a dinner in honour of Yılmaz this evening.

On Wednesday the Turkish Vice President will visit the European University of Lefke.

During his contacts Yılmaz will discuss the projects and ongoing works envisaged to be carried out within the framework of the Economic and Financial Cooperation protocol.

Yılmaz is expected to leave the TRNC tomorrow after completing his contacts.