UBP MP Hasipoğlu slams PACE resolution on Maraş
Date Added: 01 July 2024

National Unity Party (UBP) MP and General Secretary Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu has voiced strong criticism of the recent resolution adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) regarding the return of Maraş to its legal residents.

Hasipoğlu stressed that focusing solely on the sensitivities of Greek Cypriots in the Cyprus issue is unfair, and that the isolation and embargoes imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people should be the main topics of discussion.

“PACE’s resolution on Maraş will not deter us from our path,” he declared.

The plenary of the parliamentary assembly of the council of Europe (PACE) approved the resolution of its Rapporteur Piero Fassino for the former inhabitants of Maraş to return to their legal residences, it was announced last Friday.

National Unity Party (UBP) MP and General Secretary Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu participated in the PACE Political Affairs and Democracy Committee meeting held in Strasbourg from June 26-28, where the resolution was discussed and voted on.

According to a statement from the UBP headquarters, Hasipoğlu took part in various discussions on the content of the decision.

The statement noted that the delegation from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), along with the Turkish delegation led by Tuğrul Türkeş, met with Piero Fassino and submitted amendment proposals before the vote.

While some amendments were accepted, the Turkish delegation, alongside the TRNC, ultimately voted against the overall decision, which was passed by a majority.

A counter-opinion text submitted by the Turkish delegation was also appended to the final decision.

The decision itself advocates for the return of Maraş to its legitimate residents under UN Security Council Resolutions 550 and 789, suggesting that this would significantly contribute to a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus issue.

Hasipoğlu, reflecting on the decision, emphasized that the draft had been debated within PACE for four years.

He reiterated that it focuses solely on the sensitivities of the Greek Cypriots and that discussing only this aspect is unjust.

He highlighted the ongoing isolation and embargoes faced by the Turkish Cypriots despite their positive approach to previous solution plans and UN proposals.

“What should be on the agenda is the isolation and embargoes imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people,” he said.

Hasipoğlu underscored the sovereignty and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriots, pointing out unfulfilled promises by the EU regarding direct trade and flights, and the sporting and other embargoes they face.

He expressed concern over the Greek Cypriot mindset that continues to see Turkish Cypriots not as equals but as a minority, noting, “Rewarding this attitude is troubling.”

He concluded by asserting that the resolution would not hinder the continuation of the Maraş initiative within international legal frameworks.

“On the contrary, it will provide us with an opportunity to demonstrate to the international community the erroneous facts and flawed political assessments in the report,” Hasipoğlu said.