Üstel: TC people determined to overcome obstacles in their path towards future
Date Added: 15 August 2024

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel stressed that with the second phase of the Peace Operation, the current state borders of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus were drawn for eternity.

In a message released on the 50th anniversary of the second phase of the Peace Operation, Prime Minister Üstel said, “The Turkish Cypriot people are determined to overcome all obstacles in their path towards a future of freedom and security.”

Üstel noted that with the second phase of the Peace Operation, Serdarlı, Gazimağusa, Lefke, and Haspolat villages gained their freedom, and the current state borders of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) were drawn for eternity.

Noting that during the second phase, which began on August 14, 1974, and continued until August 16, the Turkish Cypriots endured unforgettable suffering, Üstel commemorated those who were martyred in the massacres with reverence.

Üstel also expressed that with the support of motherland Türkiye, the economic prosperity of the Turkish Cypriots will be achieved with stability in the near future.

“It must not be forgotten that the Turkish Cypriot people are determined to overcome all obstacles in their path towards a future of freedom and security. With these sentiments and thoughts, I once again celebrate the successful conclusion of the second phase of the Peace Operation on its 50th anniversary, honour our martyrs with reverence, and extend our gratitude to our veterans” the Premier added.