Work on Girne-Alsancak dual carriage-way progressing swiftly
Date Added: 07 April 2023

The second phase of the Girne-Alsancak dual carriageway is near completion.

The asphalting of the section of the road between St Tropez Restaurant and the Mare Monte junction has been completed and the road is now in service.

Work on the second stage of the Girne-Alsancak dual carriageway is progressing swiftly, it was announced on Friday.

The section between St Tropez Restaurant and the Mare Monte junction is now open to traffic following the completion of asphalting.

Teams are working round-the-clock to complete work on roundabouts and exits on the road.

The road is expected to be completed by May.

The Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı in a written statement welcomed the completion of the asphalting phase of the road.

He repeated that a tender will be launched in the coming days to extend the dual-carriageway to Lapta.