YDP announces its candidate for June 25 election
Date Added: 09 May 2023

The Rebirth Party (YDP) has nominated academic Associate Prof. Dr Figen Yaman Lesinger as its candidate for the upcoming by-election on June 25.

The leader of the YDP, Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı who announced the news said that Lesinger was a popular candidate.

Announcing the party’s candidate at a press conference on Monday, the leader of the Rebirth Party (YDP) Erhan Arıklı said that they were extremely excited about the upcoming by-election.

“We as the YDP believe that it is wrong to hold elections for the one vacant seat in parliament which will have no impact on parliament’s arithmetic. We proposed and insisted to both the ruling coalition and the opposition to change the constitution and to scrap the by-election but our calls fell on deaf ears,” he said.

The YDP leader said that the state could have built at least two schools with the money it was spending for the by-election.

Arıklı said that the party had nominated academic Associate Prof. Dr Figen Yaman Lesinger as its candidate amongst 10 contenders because they believed that she had the highest chance of winning.

For her part, Prof. Dr Figen Yaman Lesinger said that she was happy to be given the opportunity to run on behalf of the party.

“I believe that we should have more female representation in parliament and if elected I believe that I will carry the YDP even further up. I also believe it will be a close election and so I would like to wish the other contenders good luck,” she added.