Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz, who was in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to take part in the 40th anniversary celebrations of its establishment, paid visits to state and government officials.
The Turkish Vice President, who was received by President Ersin Tatar, Speaker of the Parliament Zorlu Töre and Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, stated that efforts will continue to open the doors of the TRNC to the world.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel who came together with the Turkish Vice President noted that both the 100th anniversary of Motherland Türkiye and the 40th anniversary of the TRNC were being celebrated this year.
“I believe that in the process ahead we will move quickly on the path that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan opened for us with his speech at the UN” said Üstel.
Stating that with the Cyprus negotiations it had become clear that a solution based on a federation was not possible, Üstel said “we will now sit at the table as 2 equal sovereign states”.

Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz also met with the speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre.
Speaking during the visit Töre said, “The TRNC is a national state, when we look at the history of this national state, there is the blood of both mudjahids and mehmetçiks (Turkish Cypriot and Turkish fighters). We have come to this day by making many sacrifices. No one should expect us to give up on this”.

While receiving the Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz, President Ersin Tatar reminded that the TRNC is moving forward with a new policy on the basis of the TRNC’s acquired sovereignty and equal international status and said that there are two separate peoples and democracies on the island.
Tatar stated that looking at the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Blue Homeland, the only struggle is the sovereignty of the TRNC.
Noting that the watering down of sovereignty or sovereignty being withdrawn to other places can never be approved, Tatar said that the road will continue in harmony with Türkiye.
Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz, in his speeches during his visits, expressed his support for the new vision for the Turkish Cypriot’s inherent rights and the registration of its international status, and stated that it is their greatest desire for the TRNC to take its rightful place in the international community.
Yılmaz also pointed to the visit to Azerbaijan last month and said that it was important for the TRNC to take its place in the Turkic World and to take steps in line with the slogan ‘3 states 1 nation’.