Tuzla martyrs’ commemorated
Date Added: 24 July 2023

A ceremony was held on Sunday at the Tuzla Martyrs’ Cemetery to commemorate the 21 Turkish Cypriots who were martyred in the village of Tuzla between 1956 and 1974.

Wreaths were laid followed by a minute of silence and the raising of the flags to the national anthem.

During the ceremony, Süleyman Uluçay, the Mayor of Gazimağusa, delivered a speech emphasizing the significance of Tuzla as an important part of Gazimağusa.

He paid tribute to those who lost their lives in the village of Tuzla during the struggle for the existence of the Turkish Cypriot people.

Uluçay highlighted the importance of informing younger generations of the incidents that took place during the struggle for their existence.

The mayor also stressed that unity and solidarity were crucial in overcoming challenges, pointing out that even though the Turkish Cypriot people had different thoughts and perspectives, they could come together as one when necessary.

He cited the example of the earthquake in Türkiye, where the Turkish Cypriot people displayed unity and solidarity.

Zorlu Töre, the Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly, also addressed those attending the ceremony, reminding them that the Turkish Cypriot people had put up a great resistance to achieve what they have achieved today.

Paying tribute to the martyrs of Tuzla, Töre stressed that the 1974 Turkish Peace Operation was the pinnacle of the heroic resistance put by the Turkish Cypriot people, stressing the importance of freedom and independence.

He stated that giving up independence and Türkiye’s active and effective guarantees would not lead to peace in Cyprus.

The parliamentary speaker asserted that any agreement in Cyprus must be based on two equal sovereign states, as well as the continuation of Türkiye’s active and effective guarantees.